City of Rensselaer Taxi Rates

Rate Map Rate Explanation
City of Albany Taxi zones

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For transportation within zones:  Zone A: $4.50 for one passenger and $1.50 for each additional passenger.

 Zone B: $5.75 for one passenger and $1.50 for each additional passenger.

 Zone C: $5.75 for one passenger and $1.50 for each additional passenger.

 Zone D: $5.00 for one passenger and $1.50 for each additional passenger.

 Zone E: $5.75 for one passenger and $1.50 for each additional passenger.

 Zone F: $6.25 for one passenger and $1.50 for each additional passenger.

 Zone G: $6.25 for one passenger and $1.50 for each additional passenger.


For transportation between zones:

The fare for transportation between zones shall be at the rate specified for either the zone of origin or the zone of destination, whichever is higher unless otherwise indicated.

Between Zones B and C, the fare shall be $9.75.

Between Zones F and G, the fare will be $6.25 for one passenger and $1.50 for each additional passenger. However, for transportation from Zone G in an easterly direction beyond Zone F, the fare shall be $11.25.

Between Zone B or C and Zone D, add $0.75 to the higher fare.

Between Zone B or C and Zone E, add $1.25 to the higher fare.

Between Zone B or C and Zone F or G, add $2.50 to the higher fare.

Last Updated: 03/10/2017