June 30, 2011
The Capital District Transportation Authority is undertaking a major route restructuring of its services in Albany County. The purpose is to establish a new routing network that better aligns services to demand because where people live, work, shop and travel has changed dramatically over the years. The planning for the new route system will be based on ridership data, future developments, and most importantly, input from riders and residents. We have conducted similar route restructuring in Saratoga and Schenectady Counties, which have resulted in increased transit ridership.
Online Input
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about other CDTA services please click here.
To download and view the proposed plan click here
Current and proposed service plan maps (these are large files, right click on link and choose "Save As"):
- Proposed Service Plan Map - County
- Proposed Service Plan Map - Albany City Limits
- Current Service Plan Map - County
- Current Service Plan Map - Albany City Limits
Proposed Frequency and Span of Service plan
Route #6 (Second/Whitehall) – This route will be split into two separate routes (#6 & #116). Route #6 will operate on South Pearl Street, Second Avenue, and Whitehall Road at a frequency of every 20 minutes during the day, evening service will be extended until 1:00am, and Sunday service will be added. (See new neighborhood routes Route #116).
Route #7 (Glenmont) – The frequency will be increased to every 25 minutes, service will be increased on Sundays and additional early morning and late night trips will be provided. These changes will increase the level of service between Albany and the Glenmont shopping centers.
Route #12 (Washington Avenue) – This route serves CDTA’s three largest destinations (Crossgates Mall, the University at Albany and Downtown Albany). Service frequency will be increased to every 15 minutes during peak and mid-day hours. Trips into the Harriman State Campus will be eliminated (see new route #112).
Route #18 (Delaware Avenue) – New Sunday service will be added, mid-day frequency will be increased to every 30 minutes, service to the Slingerlands Price Chopper will be provided, while weekday and Saturday night service will be extended until 11:00pm.
Note: Although Route #8 will no longer operate, enhancements to Route #6 & #7 along with the addition of Route #100 & #138 will improve service in areas previously served by Route #8.
Route #100 (Mid-City Belt) – This new route will provide service on Morton Avenue, Holland Avenue, Quail Street, Livingston Avenue, and Pearl Street. It will offer direct connections between the South End, Arbor Hill and Albany Medical Center as well as the Stratton VA Medical Center. The route will provide better access to BusPlus and other major transit corridors. Route #100 replaces portions of Route #3, #8, and #9.
Route #112 (Patroon Creek/Harriman) – This new route will provide direct connections, during the peak time periods, to the Harriman Campus and Patroon Creek from Downtown Albany (via Central and Colvin Avenues). Route #112 replaces Route #12 trips that previously served the Harriman Campus.
Route #114 (Madison/Washington) – This new route will provide direct connections between Madison Avenue neighborhoods (via Washington Avenue) to Crossgates Mall, the University at Albany, the College of St. Rose and CDTA’s Rensselaer Rail Station. Route #114 replaces portions of Route #3 and #4.
Route #116 (Albany Memorial/Menands) – This new route will provide service between Downtown Albany to Memorial Hospital, neighborhoods in North Albany, Menands and Riverview Center (via Van Rensselaer Boulevard and Wards Lane). Route #116 replaces portion of Route #6 between downtown and Riverview Center.
Route #125 (Clinton/Sand Creek) – This new route will provide direct connections between Clinton Avenue and Colonie Center/Wolf Road (via Sand Creek Road) while improving access to BusPlus and Route 5 destinations. Route #125 replaces portions of Route #2 & #3.
Route #137 (Airport/Corporate Woods) – This new route will offer direct connections during peak time periods between Downtown Albany, Corporate Woods, Albany International Airport & British American Boulevard (via Northern Boulevard, Shaker and Everett Roads). Route #137 replaces portions of Route #27 & #31.
Route #138 (Livingston/Allen) – This new route will provide cross-town service on Allen Street and Livingston Avenue, offering direct connections between St. Peter’s Hospital, Livingston Avenue and Lark Drive. The route will improve access to BusPlus and other major transit corridors. Route #138 replaces portions of Route #2, #8 & #30.
Route #13 (New Scotland Avenue) – The frequency on this route will be reduced to 15 minutes during peak periods. Albany Medical Center and St. Peter’s Hospital will have increased service on Route #100 & #138.
Route #610 (Wolf Road) – The route will operate every 25 minutes in peak periods and every 35 minutes during mid-day periods. The route will terminate at Albany International Airport and Albany Nursing Home on weekends, and after 7:00pm on weekdays. New Route #137 will provide regular route service to Albany International Airport and British American Boulevard.
Routes #611 & #612 (20 Mall & Route 5) – These flexible service routes will have a peak frequency of every 60 minutes with a combined frequency of 30 minutes between the two routes. Route #611 will operate from 6:30am – 6:30pm while Route #612 will operate 6:00am to 11:30pm. Route #12, #112, and #114 will serve Crossgates Commons.
Harriman Campus - Route #112 will provide peak-only service to the Harriman Campus with most mid-day service eliminated.
Corporate Woods – Route #137 will provide 60-minute frequency to the office campus.
Exchange Street in West Albany was previously served by Route #2 and many of the stops will be within walking distance of Route #125 & #137.
Ohav Shalom was previously served by Route #4 and has its own shopping bus.
The Buckingham Pond area was previously served by Route #4 and many of the stops are within walking distance of Route #10 and #13.
Kenwood and Elsmere Avenues in Delmar were previously served by Route #18 and many of the stops are within walking distance of an improved Route #18 that remains on Cherry and Delaware Avenues.
Hackett Boulevard was previously served by Route #30 and many of the stops are within walking distance of Routes #6, #13, and #100.