October 21, 2021
Study to Look at Feasability of Bus Lanes in the Capital Region
ALBANY, NY (October 13, 2021) The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) and the Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC) have initiated a Bus Lane Feasibility Study as a first step to improving the reliability of transit in the Capital District. The study will investigate the feasibility, needed infrastructure improvements, and potential operating policies for bus lanes within CDTA’s fixed route service area. Bus lanes separate buses from other vehicles to allow them to travel faster, increase on-time performance, and get thousands of riders to their destinations more quickly every day. CDTC, in partnership with CDTA, has hired Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning to lead the project with assistance from M.J. Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. and IBI Group.
“This is the first step in creating a more robust CDTA in the Capital Region,” said CDTA CEO, Carm Basile. “A bus lane feasibility study will allow us to get the important information we need to continue to grow our system and provide even more mobility choices to customers and the community.”
“CDTC is thrilled to be partnering with CDTA to evaluate the feasibility of bus lanes in the Capital District,” said CDTC Executive Director Sandy Misiewicz. “This study is a critical step toward improving the speed, reliability and visibility of the region’s transit system.”
Public engagement will be a key component of the project and fundamental to the implementation and eventual success of the recommendations. There will be multiple opportunities for the public to learn about the study and provide input including an online survey, virtual public workshops, in-person pop ups and a project website. The online survey will gather public feedback regarding challenges, needs, and opportunities for the Capital Region’s transit network. The information will help shape the study and identify key areas of focus. Community members can participate in the survey through the link provided on the project website at www.buslanestudy.com/survey.
Please note, the survey will open on October 20th and close at midnight on November 21, 2021. CDTA and CDTC invite community members and stakeholders to participate in a series of in-person pop-up events and Virtual Public Workshops(check www.buslanestudy.com/eventsfor details). Project team members will be at key regional bus stops in late October at pop-up events to gather feedback from transit customers and promote the study. The first public workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 5:30 PM via Zoom. The second public workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 7:00 PM via Zoom. These public workshops (same content) will introduce the project and provide an overview of the Bus Lane Feasibility Study.
The public will have an opportunity to provide input during the interactive sessions to share ideas. Registration to participate is required, so visit www.buslanestudy.com/events to sign up. Please visit www.buslanestudy.com to stay up to date on the project and share your thoughts and ideas.