DBE Information

Notice of Proposed Goal

The Capital District Transportation Authority (“CDTA”) Board of Directors has approved a triennial goal for participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2025, 2026 & 2027 (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2027). The proposed goal is 3.7% of the Federal financial assistance that we will expend in Department of Transportation (“DOT”) assisted contracts (exclusive of FTA funds to be used for the purchase of transit vehicles). This goal is based upon CDTA’s experience and projections; the relative availability of DBEs in our local market to the maximum extent feasible given the data available to us at this time; and avoiding imposing undue burdens on non-DBEs.

As in prior years, CDTA will continue to seek to do business with DBEs and to make DBEs aware of contracting opportunities, even for goods and services that are not defined as being federally funded.

The calculation of the goal is subject to revision to account for any necessary verification and correction of the data, comments received, changes in circumstances, etc.

A complete copy of the goal plan as well as information on the methodology utilized can be obtained from:

Stacy Sansky, DBE Liaison Officer


DBE Policy Statement

Dated: 07/05/2024

Last Updated: 07/08/2024