January 29, 2015
ALBANY, N.Y. (January 28, 2015) The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) ridership continues to increase despite decreasing gas prices the Board of Directors announced at their monthly meeting.
System ridership for the final month of 2014 totaled 1.43 million boardings, which is 4% higher than the previous December.
“CDTA continues to see increases in ridership even as we are seeing lower prices at the pump.” said David M. Stackrow CDTA Board Chairman. “Our customers see the value and convenience we provide and are opting to stay on board.”
December 2014 ridership pushed CDTA’s fiscal year-to-date total to nearly 13 million boardings. With just three months left in the current fiscal year, CDTA expects ridership to surpass last year’s record of 16.5 million boardings. This will be the fifth consecutive year where ridership has exceeded the prior year.
Stackrow said, “These numbers come as no accident. We have focused on making the system easier to use and to provide better connections. We attribute our run of success to hard work, an effective route network and providing outstanding service to our community.”
The latest round of service changes took effect on Sunday, January 25 and included a series of frequency upgrades on some of our largest routes in response to the demand for more service. The service enhancements increase capacity and make service more convenient for customers across CDTA’s four county service area.
Stackrow added, “We have a full agenda for 2015 and have only scratched the surface of the innovative solutions we can provide the region. The things we do matter. There is excitement around CDTA and people want to be part of what is happening.”
In Other News:
• The rollout of real time information, introduced in late 2014 continues to be very popular. Since it went live at the end of October we have had nearly 1.5 million real time hits, which is a usage rate of more than 16,000 per day. Real time information is available on our free mobile application, through our website and via our customer service center.
• CDTA responsibly disposes of equipment, vehicles and parts that have surpassed their useful life in the best way possible, through recycling, donation and sale through eBay auction. A total of $60,884 was returned to the operating budget as proceeds from the disposal of surplus materials in 2014.
The CDTA Board of Directors meets on the last Wednesday of every month at the Rensselaer Rail Station. Board meetings are open to the public and streamed live at www.cdta.org
ABOUT CDTA: The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) was created in 1970 by the New York State Legislature as a public benefit corporation to provide regional transportation services by rail, bus, water and air. CDTA is the premier mobility provider in the Capital Region, providing local, express, commuter and bus rapid transit services. CDTA owns and operates the Rensselaer Rail and Saratoga Springs Train Stations. Today, nearly 650 people work to deliver a transit system that transports nearly 60,000 customers each weekday.